Laminate tabletops – should be cleaned with warm water and soap mixture and dried with a microfibre. The mixture can be replaced by an all-purpose cleaner. Spills should be wiped up quickly, though. If there is a hard to remove stain, a combination of mild cleaner and baking soda can be used to remove stains from the surface. Scrub with a stiff nylon brush, then clean as you normally would.
Wooden tabletops – can be maintained with mild soap and water. Harsh cleaners and chemicals should not be used on these tops! These chemicals can harm your wood grain permanently, so beware! A gentle all-purpose cleaner, with disinfecting effect is advisable. To clean out the cracks in the table you can use a toothbrush with just a little bit of toothpaste, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.
Werzalit tabletops are manufactured with some of the hardest resins on the market. They are non-porous and virtually resistant to any type of deep scratch. They would not stain. Their unique surface with the rounded edge leaves no space for food remains or dust, it also makes them the easiest to clean: just wipe it with an all-purpose cleaner or a mixture of soap and water!

Written by CFI NZ
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"The tables arrived yesterday afternoon and they look great, we are very pleased with them. Thank you for your help."

"Customer is delighted with their tables and sent me this photo. Thank you for your assistance here, it was greatly appreciated."